Full Day Events

Party Options and Pricing

  • Multi-Purpose Room

    25 People- $125.00

    50 People- $150.00

    75 People- $175.00

  • Glassroom

    25 People- $150.00

    75 People- $200.00

    125 People- $250.00

  • Gymnasium

    25 People- $175.00

    75 People- $250.00

    125 People- $325.00

  • Add- Ons

    Courtyard- $100.00

    Set-up tables and chairs- $200.00

    Tear-down- $200.00

  • Deposit

    Event Deposit: $100.00

    This security deposit is SEPARATE from our event rental pricing, but is required to book your event. This security deposit is held, and can be returned to you provided that the terms of the contract are satisfied. The Security Deposit fee will be due PRIOR TO ENTRY FOR YOUR EVENT. NO EXCEPTIONS


Half Day Events


Wedding Packages